Monday, August 14, 2006


For most high school seniors college fever is in the air. Time is running a cover story on college admissions this week. Newsweek did an article last week.

However, for most students in the Delta, college is simply an abstract idea (or as Anderson's students might put it, "abskract.")

Most students don't understand the college application process.

Unfortunately, a lot of counselors at the Delta schools where we work don't understand the college application process either.

I can't tell you the number of college seniors I taught who hadn't taken the ACT. With that in mind we are working on a "How to Apply to College" entry on the Teacher Corps Wiki. Please go online and help us fill it in.

In addition to having a lot of students who hadn't started the application process I also had, every year, several students who could go anywhere in the country and be successful. All of them ended up staying in-state, but here is a list of outstanding colleges that are below the radar.

And, I've heard good things about Berea College, the first inter-racial school in the south. And here's the kicker: every student gets a full scholarship...

One more resource: most schools accept the Common Application now.

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